.. _octave_install: Install ======= Instructions how to install the **CSXCAD & openEMS Octave/Matlab interface**. Requirements ------------ Install Octave_ or Matlab_ and make sure openEMS and dependencies were installed correctly. See :ref:`Install from Source ` for more details. Setup ----- To run the simulation scripts it is necessary to tell Octave (or Matlab) where to find the interface scripts. .. _Octave Linux Install: Linux ^^^^^ On **Linux** these folders are usually located under e.g. ``/usr/share/openEMS/matlab`` and ``/usr/share/CSXCAD/matlab`` or if you installed from source (e.g. to ``/opt``) under ``/opt/share/openEMS/matlab`` and ``/opt/share/CSXCAD/matlab``. You may add this folders manually using: .. code-block:: matlab addpath('/opt/share/openEMS/matlab'); addpath('/opt/share/CSXCAD/matlab'); Alternatively you can setup these path more permanently using the "Edit"-Menu using "Set Path" in Octave. .. _Octave Windows Install: Windows ^^^^^^^ On **Windows** there is only one folder to add. If you unzipped the windows build e.g. to ``C:\openEMS`` than the path would be ``C:\openEMS\matlab``. You may add this folders manually using: .. code-block:: matlab addpath('C:\openEMS\matlab'); Alternatively you can setup these path more permanently using the "Edit"-Menu using "Set Path" in Octave. .. _Octave: https://octave.org/ .. _Matlab: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MATLAB